Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Goo Goo's pool is the place to be this summer!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Melt my heart.

One day over Spring Break I had Hannah, Morgan, and Hailey at the office with me. Jr., the shop foreman, called me and asked if the girls would like to come down and feed the catfish in the tank behind the shop. At first the girls didn't seem that interested in it, but it was a really nice day and they decided they could also pick some of the wildflowers that had started to pop up. Not long after they came back Jennifer showed up to get them and I went to clean up PaPa's office where they had been playing. I found these letters they wrote to him and left with flowers. I am sure he loved watching them feed his fish.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cash Is Not King....

Yesterday I found Sam in his room putting real .22 bullets into his play shotgun. Even though it was a play gun it is still dangerous for him to have real bullets, so Wil had to take them away last night. Sam was very upset about losing his bullets. Tonight we were rewarding the girls with money for their good grades and Sam asked if he could get paid. Wil gave his a dollar so he wouldn't feel left out, but Sam started crying. When he asked him what was the matter he said he didn't want money he wanted to be paid in bullets. Apparently to Sam cash is not king, bullets are.

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Basketball Pictures

The kids took their basketball pictures tonight and since we are the Fighting Bulldogs they had a real bulldog there to take pictures with. This is the one I took with my iPad so it is a little fuzzy, but I think it turned out pretty good! Go Dawgs!

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Friday, January 13, 2012

And now time for a nap!

He worked so hard today, he had to take a little nap.

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Sam's Sculpture

Sam was at the office with me today and he made this sculpture for me out of rebar, nails, an auto part, and gummy snacks. I think it is beautiful.

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