- Post rules on your blog.
- Answer the six "4" items.
- Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.
4 Things I Did Yesterday:
- Drove to Carrizo Springs, TX to hear the verdict on our trial
- Ate enchiladas for lunch
- Drove back from Carrizo Springs, TX with my stomach in knots from the verdict
- Ate a piece of Goo Goo's peanut brittle
4 Things I Look Forward to:
- Rocking Sam to sleep at night
- Reading my book
- Having everyone bathed, in PJ's, and ready for bed
- Weekends
4 Restaurants I Like:
- Flemings
- Casa Real
- Olive Garden
- Chesters
4 Things On My Wish List: (in no particular order)
- Landscaping
- Entertainment Center for new TV
- Blackberry
- Cowboy Boots
4 Favorite TV Shows:
- Brothers & Sisters
- Grey's Anatomy
- ER
- Gossip Girl (yes I know it is for teens, but I still like it)
4 People I Tag: (Your It!)
- I guess it ends with me. Everyone I know that has a blog has already been tagged.