So the first day of the new school year went pretty well until Sam realized that he was not going to school with the girls this year. He insisted that he was in fact going to school and had to have a sign to hold, a backpack, and a lunch box packed with food. Even after taking Hannah to her room (which she didn't want to be walked in to) and then taking Morgan to her room, he is still asking where is his classroom. He only turned 3 this month and is ready to leave the nest and it breaks my heart. He is supposed to be my baby! I know they have Pre-K for 3 year olds, but I am not ready for that. I am considering having him go to Pre-K next year, but then when I mention it Goo Goo gets empty nest syndrome, so I guess we are both going to have a hard time either next year if he goes to Pre-K or the year after when we have no choice and he starts Kindergarten. This is the last year the girls will be at the same campus and Hannah's last year in Elementary, so it is becoming clear that they are growing up fast in spite of my efforts to keep them little forever.