Friday, August 6, 2010
Proverbs 16:3
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." This past year has been a very trying year for our whole family both personally and professionally. In an effort to find some peace within the horrible situation, I am adopting this verse as my "there is still a light at the end of the tunnel" speech that I give myself everyday. If you have a verse that is your ritual, I would love to hear it.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Booby! Booby!
Sam and I had to run to Target last night to get a few things. He doesn't like to ride in the cart, so I let him walk. As we are going through the women's undergarment section he has to hit each bra as he walks by and say "Booby! Booby!". Thankfully the store was pretty empty and only two teenagers heard him.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Get out of here cat!
The other day we had gone out to eat dinner and came back to Goo Goo's to have cookie cake for Morgan's Kinder Graduation and when we walked in the house we saw something move on the back porch. Goo Goo went to look and opened the door to shoo away what she thought were stray cats. When she got out she realized it was two small foxes. We had been seeing the mother fox in the back yard several times a week and I guess the babies were big enough to follow her to the porch, but not quick enough to run away when we drove up. The one little fox was pretty friendly and let mom take several pictures before running away. The kids thought it was pretty neat to see baby foxes.
Yesterday we were in the kitchen eating lunch and Sam had finished, so he went to his room to look out his window to make sure Daddy's tractor was still there (this happens first thing every morning and then several times a day). Then we hear "AHHH SPIDER!" and Sam comes running down the hall screaming. Wil is looking at me asking what I did to his boy and why is he screaming like a girl about a little spider. I am explaining that he does have two sisters that could have previously done this very thing and I hadn't ever "taught" his this on purpose. During our conversation Sam is getting his toy shotgun from the living room and runs by pausing only to tell us "I shoot spider". See Wil, crisis averted, he has the boy gene after all.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy Birthday Hannah!

Today Hannah is 8 years old. I can't believe how fast it has gone. Everyday she gets more and more independent. I often think of her as being more like us adults and less like the other kids and have to constantly remind myself that she is just a kid too. She is a great big sister and helps me a lot. I hope you have a great day!
Friday, January 1, 2010
If you like Pina Coladas
As usual we had much noise, tears, laughter, and a really great New Years Eve dance off. With ten kids under eight years old there is always someone unhappy about something. We heard several renditions of "All the Single Ladies" from Hannah, Morgan, Hailey, and Kaylie. It fast became their their favorite song after we, while suffering from temporary insanity, took them to the movie to see the Chipmunk movie. Amazingly out of the ten of them only two didn't make it until midnight. We were all together and made some great memories: Morgan's energy, Todd's entertaining abilities, my rendition of Dawn's 1980's hiney drums and some fun dance moves. Needless to say after a few days together all the adults needed those Pina Coladas.
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